What is dizziness?

One of the brain’s most important functions is to have body awareness. There are three primary systems that your body utilizes to accurately maintain body awareness: your ocular system (eyes), your vestibular system (inner ear), and your proprioceptive system (muscles and joints).

Each of these systems is constantly sending information to the brain about where each body part is in 3D space. In order for the brain to have proper body awareness, all three of these systems must tell the brain the same message. If one of these systems begins to tell the brain a different message than the other systems the brain gets confused. This can lead to headache, chronic muscle tension, and of course, dizziness. Dizziness can manifest in many different ways. The type of dizziness you experience can help us determine which system is malfunctioning. Common types of dizziness include: spinning sensations, waving sensations, unsteadiness, clumsiness, double/blurry vision, lightheadedness, motion sickness, and nausea.

At Virtual Brain Rehab, Dr. Perman aims to identify which systems are malfunctioning and rehabilitate them so that they can communicate appropriately with your brain. We accomplish this through consultation and assessment, teaching you at-home therapies, managing your nutrition/hormone balance, and guiding you to additional practitioners and services near your home that may also be beneficial for you, all via Telehealth video conferences.

With this multi-faceted approach we can recalibrate your brain and truly improve your dizziness. Our non-invasive methods are designed to significantly reduce symptom frequency, intensity, and duration. Our primary goal is to help you live your ideal life, without symptoms!